Resources / Ressources

EHDI Status Review Paper (2020)
This paper was published by the Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in 2020. The paper reports on a comprehensive national survey of infant hearing services and programs.
• Status of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs in Canada: Results From a Country-Wide Survey

• État d'avancement des programmes de détection et d'intervention précoces des troubles auditifs au Canada : résultats d'une enquête nationale

April 2019 Report Card
This progress report  was released by the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force in April 2019. The report represents the current status of early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) programs across Canada. It is a follow-up to the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force’s 2016 progress report on EHDI programs, which highlighted the need for significant improvements in many parts of Canada.
• Report Card on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (2019)
• Bulletin de rendement en matière de détection et d’intervention précoces de l’audition (2019)

January 2016 Progress Report
This progress report  was released by the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force in January 2016. The report represents the current status of early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) programs across Canada. It is a follow-up to the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force’s 2014 report card on EHDI programs, which highlighted the need for significant improvements in many parts of Canada.
• Canadian Provincial and Territorial Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Programs: PROGRESS REPORT

• Les programmes de détection et d’intervention précoces des troubles auditifs (DIPTA) des provinces et territoires du Canada: Rapport d’avancement

August 2015 Report Card
This report card was developed by the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force in March 2014 and updated in August 2015. Grades were assigned on the basis of program quality and coverage at the provincial/territorial level, and not on the basis of smaller regional or hospital-based screening and intervention programs, which have varying standards, program characteristics and coverage rates. Coverage was graded on the basis of estimated percentage of babies screened.
• Report Card on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
• Bulletin de rendement en matière de détection et d’intervention précoces de l’audition

Position/Consensus Statements
The Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force advocates for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI). The practice of EHDI is well-defined and well-understood thanks to years of research, product development, program development, and interdisciplinary consensus around the world. The links below provide just a few of the consensus statements and other information from around the world that define and structure the early identification of childhood hearing, as well as the 2016 position statement from the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force.

• Position Statement on Universal Congenital Cytomegalovirus Screening in Canadian Newborns (2022)

• Énoncé de position sur le dépistage néonatal universel de l’infection congénitale à cytomégalovirus au Canada (2022)

• Position Statement on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI): Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (2016)

• Énoncé de position sur la détection et l’intervention précoces des troubles auditifs (DIPTA) : Groupe de travail canadien sur l’audition des nourrissons (2016)

• SAC Position Paper: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (Speech-Language and Audiology Canada, 2010)

• Best Practices in Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: An International Consensus Statement (Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2013)

• Supplement to the JCIH 2007 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Intervention After Confirmation That a Child is Deaf or Hard of Hearing (Joint Committee on Infant Hearing, Pediatrics, 2013)

• Year 2007 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs (Joint Committee on Infant Hearing, Pediatrics, 2007)